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Done for this one. ##Introduce the readers to the blog post create an informative and factual blog post about how to overcome writer's block, complete with info on what actually causes this conundrum, as well as what you can do to avoid it! ___Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How to Overcome Writer's Block". If you've ever been afflicted with writer's block, you'll know it's no laughing matter — it can impede your writing for days, weeks, or even months. And while it's tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, writer's block is one of those pests that requires active extermination. What is writer's block? It's a condition that plagues many people, where a person just can't get the words on the page. For some, it can be a matter of needing inspiration or boredom causing this to happen. Others have said that it could be due to a lack of confidence in what you're writing, such as if you feel like what you're writing is horrible and embarrassing. For many writers, though, writer's block tends to be triggered by fear — fear of judgement or fear of self-criticism. If you're an extrovert, it might be that you're simply overwhelmed by the idea of putting your work out in the world to be read. If you're not, it could be that you're not quite sure what your story is or how to connect with other people. Regardless of the cause, though, there are ways to break this writer's block so that your writing can regain its original vigor.This blogger has achieved success! How? How did he do it? He starts his introduction by explaining why he felt like writing a blog post about overcoming writer's block was necessary for him personally. He provides a brief explanation as to what happened that caused him to feel the need to write about this. He then explains why he chose to use a blog as his outlet for this topic. He then goes on to providing info on what writer's block is, why it happens, and how there are ways you can prevent or overcome it. What did I learn? The last section of the introduction is where he lists down what he learned about overcoming writer's block during his research for this post. This gives his readers more insight into the ways in which he has already changed with regards to writer's block. The blogger includes quotes, which helps in bringing his readers closer to what he feels. I really enjoyed reading this informative blog post. It was an amazing experience! I learned about writer's block and how it can be painful, but also how you can overcome it through patience and determination. The best part was when the blogger mentioned that "Believe in yourself even if it seems like everyone else doesn't". Indeed, if you don't believe in yourself (especially during hard times), then nobody else will be able to do it for you.Title:Duo tl kyungsoo minseok suho baekhyun ##Introduce the readers to the blog post. cfa1e77820

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